George Orwell: One Hundred and Twelve Years of Solitude

“Freedom is the freedom to say that two plus two make four. If that is granted, all else follows.”

George Orwell

INGSOC 2 Orwell 1 Orwell 2 Sudden Clarity INGSOC 1

Archie Comics Movie Set With ‘Pitch Perfect’ Director

Yay! This is what I’ve been waiting for so long. As a #TeamRiverdale member, I couldn’t be happier. Granted, “Archie: To Riverdale and Back Again” wasn’t so hot, but it was long overdue to give it one more try. And since “Jossie and The Pussycats” flopped, too, I hope Roberto Aguirre-Sacasa doesn’t feel entitled get political because he did it with “Glee” already.

Please, please, pretty please with sugar on to, let Archie be the Archie we all love and feel close to.


P.S. Please DON’T remix “Sugar, Sugar” for the film.

Ordóñez el criptonazi, debe irse y pronto



Alejandro Ordóñez tiene una buena dosis de malquerientes, aun desde antes de que fuera elegido por el congreso Procurador General de la Nación, incluso por votos de la izquierda. Y si no, pregúntenle a Gustavo Petro, ahora víctima de su propio invento, investigado por irregularidades en el nuevo sistema de recolección de basuras en Bogotá.

Para los partidarios del matrimonio entre parejas del mismo sexo y el aborto, Ordóñez es un anatema, y probablemente encaja en la visión estereotipada que tienen del Cristianismo en general.

Y no es así. Alejandro Ordóñez es miembro de un movimiento marginal dentro de la Iglesia Católica, que quiere regresar a la misa tridentina, en lo superficial, y a las organización eclesial anterior al Concilio Vaticano II, en lo estructural.

Para los partidarios del estado laico o no confesional, Ordóñez es también anatema, y probablemente encaja en la visión estereotipada que tienen del conservador-godo en general.

Y no es así. Alejandro Ordóñez difícilmente representa al conservador moderno. Si bien en el aspecto social, Colombia sigue siendo formal y profundamente conservadora, paradógicamente al mismo tiempo profesa una actitud bastante liberal en cuanto a organización marital y de familia. Ningún conservador de ahora aceptaría a pies juntillas toda la cosmovisión del Procurador. Y menos la versión más reciente del conservador, que viene a concentrarse básicamente en el aspecto fiscal.

¿Qué puede mantener al Procurador sintonizado a la opinión pública? Dos cosas: la antipatía que el grueso de la población siente por los grupos al margen de la ley y sus simpatizantes y – seamos francos –  la oposición que mantienen contra el matrimonio entre parejas del mismo sexo.

Las decisiones que favorezcan a la comunidad LGBTI por esta razón difícilmente vendrán del poder legislativo; será el poder judicial que no haya cooptado el Procurador con su red burocrática, el que termine esta labor.

Y hasta ahora, parecía que a pesar de sus evidentes posturas controversiales, el funcionario era un inamovible y que no había flanco por el que se le pudiera atacar (tiene 96 procesos ante la Corte Suprema de Justicia y ninguno ha avanzado un ápice).

Pero, de acuerdo a lo publicado hoy por Daniel Coronell en Revista Semana, tenemos un Procurador que niega el holocausto judío, porque ni siquiera es capaz de contestar con un sí o con un no esa pregunta. Ricky Martin durante décadas declinó contestar a la prensa si era gay o no; y hubiera podido alegar la homofobia como motivo para no contestar. Luego, por sus propios medios decidió salir del clóset.

El Procurador General de la Nación no puede darse el lujo de no contestar semejante pregunta, porque el holocausto judío si existió. Adolf Hitler asesinó en cámaras de gas a más de seis millones de judíos. Esto es tan serio que en algunos países se considera delito negar el holocausto.

Por un lado, nadie debería ir a la cárcel por decir estupideces, las leyes antidiscriminación que contemplan sanciones de este estilo simplemente penalizan la libertad de expresión. Y por otro lado, nadie que ejerza un cargo público puede mantenerse en el diciendo estupideces con impunidad. Ahora sí que la presión social debe subir al máximo.

Por esto Ordóñez el criptonazi, debe irse y pronto.


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Courtesy of Geekosystem and the New York Times: Sitting sucks the life out of you

If it wasn’t for Pinterest, I wouldn’t have noticed the bad, bad news Geekosystem and the Gray Lady had for us sedentary people: sitting kills and sucks the life and health out of you. In a nutshell, as human you weren’t meant for sitting for hours and hours. And exercising doesn’t help: you just need to stand up more. Look at this infographic (courtesy of Geekosystem), and despair:


Aw, biscuits.

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Time of persecution of Catholics in the name of political correctness has arrived?

Could it be...?

Could it be…?

Why Liberal Catholics Would Support Priests Being Hauled to Jail for Being Catholic

A Twitter conversation between myself (Lisa Graas, @CatholicLisa) and A Liberal Catholic (@farleftflank) may help readers understand why it is that the Left actually would throw Catholics in jail for being Catholic, even with liberal Catholic support. The reason is that it is the logical application of their views. The liberal view is that “hate speech” should be prosecuted under the law, and that refusing to accept “gay marriage” is “hate.” Conclusion: Priests and other Catholics who publicly oppose “gay marriage” (which would include a refusal to marry a “gay” couple) would be hauled off to jail if liberals get their way on this, that homosexual marriage is equivalent to interracial marriage, and if “hate speech” is prosecutable. My conversation on Twitter with “A Liberal Catholic” bears this out.

“A Liberal Catholic” admits that he believes his conscience, when it agrees with the government, trumps mine when it is obeying Canon Law in that he would not defend me from being arrested by police for being vocally opposed to “gay marriage,” nor defend any priest who is taken to jail for refusing to marry a “gay” couple or for opposing the HHS contraception mandate. He says that priests are not currently being hauled off to jail, but clearly admits that he would not defend them if they were, nor defend me for publicly stating my Catholic belief on this. While he insists that priests will not be “forced” to perform “gay marriage” ceremonies, he supports their being taken to jail if the civil law classifies any vocal opposition to “gay marriage” as prosecutable “hate speech.” This is the ultimate result of the policies of the Left, if they were to become civil law — the arrest of priests and other of the Catholic faithful, while “liberal Catholics” look on because they view opposition to “gay marriage” as being equivalent to discrimination against blacks.

It’s deja vu all over again. For Nero, Diocletian and other Roman emperors (and Roman citizens, btw), Christianism was a very dangerous sect defying the state and the empire.

Christians did not worship the emperor, the incarnation of the state, as a god. And for other civil manifestations of the era, catholics were at odds with them, to put it mildly.

And we know how the Roman authorites dealt with the early Christians; so fierce was the “enforcement” that the Christians had to worship God underground, at the catacombs. Can we finally speak of a brand-new persecution of Christians in the western hemisphere?

Victimization Insanity: Lego Star Wars Edition

Ever wondered how unmitigated silliness, stupidity, paranoia and hypersensivity combined look like? Well, seek no more. The Turkish Cultural Association went way over their collective heads when they attacked Lego for a perceived anti-Islamic sentiment regarding… a Lego “Jabba the Hutconstruction set.

Yes. A frigging “Jabba the Hut” from Star Wars construction set. It remembered me when William Shatner in a memorable SNL sketch told very tongue-in-cheek to trekkies everywhere TO GET A LIFE!

Seriously, was that display of righteous indignation necessary? Or was it business-as-usual, another vulgar display of power of how the Turkish Cultural Association can pick a target and make it retreat in the name of political correctness?

Beware of the dark side of the force, TCA.

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#HipsterFight: let the games begin!

Every urban tribe gets its heavy dose of hatred before they fade away from public consciousness. What’s more baffling some of those groups become archetypes, like skinheads with intolerance and violence, emos with tomfoolery and nonsense and hipsters with pretentiousness and twee. Speaking of which, the hipster fetishizing of irony have made them unaware that they became now (gasp!) too mainstream. Witness the great Iowahawk (a hero of the sipmac team) that started in Twitter the hilarious hashtag #hipsterfight.


Let the games begin!

Er… nice moves, dude?

Your phoniness makes me want to punch you in the face…

And I’m laughing at you, not with you.

Meh. Indeed.

And you have the same musical tastes than Zach Braff.

…and I’ll post it on Tumblr.

Too late. Hipster hatred is waaay too mainstream now.

Not vegan, but environmental-friendly.

…and my Pabst Blue Ribbon.

Pinterest? Touché.

Turntable? Touché.

Alanis Morissette? AHAHAHA!!! Ironic? You get it?

B-b-but challenging catholic doctrine is waaay too mainstream!

And she made a Harlem Shake video.

Well, I actually liked their website and I wish them all the best and a great marriage (a great marriage, not necessarily a lengthy one).


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Is the Pope Catholic? Gee, it seems it’s impossible for some people (specially journalists) that the Catholic Faith is NOT a matter of surveys and polls. “Current trends” have absolutely NOTHING to do with eternal truths.

Now they find out that old comedic iocus is (gasp!) true. The Pope is Catholic no matter what his name is. And this time is Francis I.

BTW, it used to be investigative journalism, NOT “speculative” journalism.

Winter has arrived to Hans Küng’s brain.

Deutsch: Hans Küng in der Synagoge (Hechingen)...

Psst, Cardinals! I’m available!

A Vatican Spring? – To put it mildly, it is very unfortunate the analogy choice that rebel theologian Hans Küng used for his undoubtedly celebrated New York Timesop-ed “A Vatican Spring?” For a sharp intellectual it is disappointing to watch him not to realize that the so-called “Arab Spring” is nothing more than western wishful thinking. Autocracies were removed, that’s true, but were replaced by new autocracies, and are the kind he most condemns: theocracies.

How can we trust the rest of his analysis of the current state of affairs of the Catholic Church? Ok, that’s his area of expertise, but if he wants openness and changes in the two-millennia institution, he can hardly appeal to what happened (and continues to happen) in the middle east.

And definitively we cannot trust his modesty. Gee, when the now abdicated Pope decided to talk with him in 2005, that was really a bold move! In that order of ideas, how can we trust his solution: to replace the Church’s current problems with the problems before the 11th century?

And the final blow: With Küng’s op-ed, now we have a theologian that trusts more in polls and surveys than in doctrine (!). You could expect that from a politician, but from someone that has spent his whole life devoted to the study of the Christian faith?

Yes, there is trouble at the Vatican, but Küng doesn’t realize that old aphorism: “Perversi difficile corriguntur et stultorum infinitus est numerous”.


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Assisted suicide? I might be narrow-minded then

Deaf twins committing assisted suicide because they were deaf and were going blind? I might not be that open-minded then. So be it. I understand that those belgian twins were facing the horror of living without sight and hearing, but I still not feeling comfortable with their decission.

In fact, there are people in worse conditions than them, like Yolanda de Rodriguez, who was deaf-blind and paraplegic, who chose to live in spite her crushing disabilities. She once thought she had nothing to live for, but then she chose to live and to help those who were in her same conditions.

I know the modern sensibilities and the PC interpretation of this story: they had the right to chose death, they were suffering, and nobody can judge them, because nobody was experiencing their pain; but something deep inside keep telling me that Marc and Eddy Verbessem’s choice was the wrong one.

Cancer, alzheimer, multiple sclerosis… there are lots and lots of horrible diseases and conditions, but we need to fight them and choose life. Legitimate or not, we spent the last decades taking into consideration that life is not worth living when utterly horrible conditions appear. Legitimate or not, maybe is time to reverse course and infuse bravery and hope into those who suffer.

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